Meet the Team

Joseph G. Nugent, M.D., M.P.H., M.H.S.
David Mansoor
David designed and drew our logo. His rendition of the jugular venous waveform is close enough for a psychiatrist!
Molly Fisher
Molly is a versatile artist who rendered our logo and created many of the other drawings featured on the site. We could always count on her to take our ideas to the next level.
Emily Mitchell
Emily is a talented photographer (and medical student) who captured the shots of our favorite analog stethoscope that you see featured throughout the site.
Lori Vaskalis
Lori produces professional scientific drawings and figures for publication. She is the artist behind the jugular venous waveform tracings featured in the cardiology tutorial page and within many of the annotated videos of the jugular venous waveform.
Kannu Bansal
Kannu is a medical student who helped write quiz questions for the site.
Maniraj Jeyaraju
Maniraj is a medical student who created the annotations and animations for our narrated videos.
Travis Smith & LECOM medical students
Travis Smith & his team of medical students provided detailed answer explanations to quiz questions.
Mason Miller
Mason is a medical student who helps upload case presentations and edit the site.
Congratulations for launching this amazing website!
Looking forward to collaborate!
Thank you Martín ! Looking forward to collaborating soon. At some point we will start asking for submissions to help build and diversify the site.
Welcome you all! So glad to see this ‘off the ground’.. and SOARING!. Great work from idea to implementation. Superb work & congrats!
Congratulations for the team who built this website. I took a look and it is fantastic.
This is awesome! My medical students would love this. Btw are you planning to expand the team?
Thank you Indah ! No immediate plans to expand the team, but we are hopeful that at some point we will be able to accept submissions from others around the world.
Fantastic idea guys!
Super happy to collaborate with cases and videos.
how can we go further?
Roberto Cosentini
Thank you Roberto ! At some point we will begin asking for contributions. Will be in touch. Thanks again.
Bravo/brava will refer students to this content in my lectures on the cardiac and pulmonary physical exams.
Thanks Louis !
Enjoyed your lecture at EAMC, Opelika, Al. !
I have your Frameworks thru Amazon.
How might I get PowerPoint set ?
Thank you, wonderful system. I am a 77 yo neohrologist, still teaching.
Thank you Christopher ! Love your passion for teaching. What do you mean about PowerPoint set? Are you wanting the slides for one of the lectures? Which lecture are you interested in? Send me an email if you’d like at [email protected]
Such a beautiful idea! Existence of this website is much helpful for the students like us , I think you should expand this with another aspects of medicine and beyond medicine like paediatrics, gynecology etc .
So much ❤️
Thank you for your teaching .
I am a doctor from Uganda and I can only imagine what a honor it is to be taught by you. Your schemas are very helpful in making clinical decisions. THANK YOU FOR YOUR HARD WORK.
Thanks a lot for this resource! One of the best ever for clinical medicine.
Such a wonderful tool and agree with you on physical exam significance. Thank u for helping us remember and practice thorough exams